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Did the product arrive with apparent defects?

In case of apparent defect, we exchange the goods for another equal or equal value within 30 days from the delivery date of your order. This is a right provided for in article 18 et seq. of the Consumer Protection Code (law nº 8.078/90). Once the product is returned to our stock, an analysis will be carried out for 3 working days and the new sale will be generated in the system.

In this case, the exchange of products will only be accepted if they are returned: (1) with their original packaging; (2) accompanied by the respective Invoice; (3) in perfect condition. Deliveries take place from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm.

To exchange, just send an email to the contact channels at the end informed.


Defective product or shipping problem?

When you receive it, take a look at the packaging. If it is violated or the product has a problem, do not accept the order and note the reason for the return on the invoice;

• If you only noticed the problem after receiving the product, you have up to 30 calendar days from the delivery date to contact us.
• In both cases, we will exchange your product for the same or another of the same value. You can also choose to get your money back.


purchase regret

Em caso de arrependimento, você terá um prazo de 7 dias para nos comunicar nos canais de contato ao final informado. Após esse prazo, não será feita troca por arrependimento (independente de tamanho incorreto, cor, modelo, marca etc), apenas em caso de defeito. Este é um direito previsto no artigo 49 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor (lei nº 8.078/90). Após isso, iremos lhe ensinar o passo a passo. É obrigatório o produto junto com a nota fiscal, no mesmo estado que chegou. Caso não tenha a embalagem original, pode usar outra, desde que devidamente lacrada. (Indicamos o plástico-bolha selado com fita adesiva). Após todas as informações de devolução serem fornecidas, você terá 72h para postar o produto e enviar comprovante da postagem nos correios.

Você pode escolher entre trocar o produto por outro que tenha o mesmo valor ou receber o valor pago.




Types of reversal

Bank slip
If you paid with bank slip, you need to provide us with the following details of who made the purchase:

• Full name;
• CPF number;
• Bank name;
• Bank account number;
• Agency Number.

Afterwards, just wait up to 10 business days to receive the refund in your checking account.

Credit card
If you purchased with a credit card, we will request a refund from your card issuer. This can happen in up to 1 invoices after our request. This procedure is the responsibility of the card administrator.



Telephone: (00) 00000-0000





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